Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

The Kingdom Ministry: Finances + Generosity| May 1, 2022

Series: New Kingdom

Matt 6:19-24 The Kingdom Ministry: Finances + Generosity Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

You cannot serve both God and money. How do we store up treasure in heaven? We embody generosity.

1. Generosity is a natural part of Kingdom living Generosity is taking what is mine (or better defined what I perceive to be mine because I have earned it or purchased it) and giving it to others.

Radical generosity is taking A LOT of what is mine and giving it to others. The powerful message to the watching world is that peace, joy, contentment and abundance is not found in the collection of many dollars and many things it is found in intimately knowing King Jesus.

2. Generosity is winsome to a watching world. Winsome - it’s just irresistibly inviting

Practical Application:

Practice #1 - Download your spending for the past year, track every dollar down and put it into 15 categories, give it to a friend, and ask them one question - What story does this tell? This is why you give it to a friend!

Practice #2 - A generous man makes generous plans.

Practice #3 - Quietly cut some big checks and pay attention to what happens in your heart. Did not enough people say thank you? Was the gift seemingly quickly forgotten but your checking account still felt it a couple months on?

Practice #4 - Make some new traditions and invite some friends to join you. Make financial stewardship a new tradition in your family.

Book recommendations:

The Treasure Principle - Randy Alcorn

Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller

The Millionaire next door - Thomas Stanley

Love Does - Bob Goff

Speaker: Andy Thrift

May 1, 2022
Matthew 6:19-24'>Matthew 6:19-24

Life Group Discussion Guides

You can add your own personal sermon notes along the way. When you're finished, you'll be able to email or download your notes.

Follow Along with the Message

1. Doing Life

As a church family, we care about each other’s lives: what we’re celebrating, what we’re
mourning, what decisions we are praying through, and everything in between
(1 Thessalonians 2:8, Romans 12:10, 15). Suggested time: 10-20 minutes
● How are you doing?
● What can you thank God for this week?
● When were you most aware of Jesus’ presence this week? When were you least
aware of Jesus’ presence this week?
● Do you have any practical needs?

2. Jesus Centered

God uses His Word to reveal Himself to us, equip us to live the good life He’s designed
for us, show us our sin, and strengthen us as we follow Him (2 Timothy 3:16-17,
Colossians 1:9-12, and James 1:22-25). Suggested Time: 20-40 minutes

Primary Passage: Matthew 6:19-24

● Ice Breaker: Based on the congregation’s verbal participation on Sunday, who
has more street cred...Phil (aka Phillipe), or Andy? (:
● Does generosity feel natural to you, or based on your lifestyle and choices, is it a
stretch to be generous, and nearly impossible to even think about radical
● Have you or someone close to you ever been the recipient of radical generosity?
○ How did it make you feel at the time?
○ What was the longer-term impact of that generosity?
● How can you creatively and memorably teach your children the concept, followed
by practical actions of generosity, so it becomes a lifestyle?
● We have all been generous, but have you ever been radically generous?
● How did your action impact you?
● Did you find yourself having an expectation of the recipient of your generosity?
○ Were you satisfied or disappointed?
○ What can you learn from your reactions?
● Congregation Questions: He answered them in the service.
● How much money should we save?
● Is mo’ money, mo’ problems real?

● Is money the only way we can be generous?
● How can I be generous with finances as a highschool/college student who
doesn't make much/any money
● What do you think of Trinity Debt Management/consolidation service? Or similar
● Does a generosity plan include your tithe to the church?
● How do we tangibly ‘store up treasures in Heaven’
● What do I give if I have finances to give?
● How does a parent teach their kids a biblical view of Money and Sex?
● Is there such a thing as irresponsible giving?
● How do you prioritize what to give to, and what to save for? Church, other
causes/ministries, vs. college for kids, retirement, etc
● How do we keep our same standard of living (not increase our standard of living
as we make more $$ over our career) and increase giving over our life when we
live in such a wealthy/affluent area?

3. Engaging the Heart

Jesus calls us to walk in the light, confessing our sins to God and each other. God’s
Spirit works through confession and community to lead us to repentance. (Romans
3:23-24, James 5:16 and 1 John 1:5-10) Suggested Time: 10-20 minutes
● How are you doing abiding with Jesus this week in Scripture and prayer?
● What sin do you need to confess to God? What are you struggling to trust Jesus
with this week? How can you give Him control of it? (As people confess sin,
make sure to remind one another of the good news Jesus offers.)

4. Expanding the Kingdom

Just like God the Father sent Jesus on a mission of reconciliation for us, Jesus sends
us out as ambassadors of His reconciliation. We are called to make disciples wherever
we go. (John 20:21 and 2 Corinthians 5:18-20) Suggested time: 10-20 minutes
● People: Who in your life can you be building with right now? What does that look
like during this season?

● Plan: Are there any rhythms planned (virtual or in-person) that we can invite
these friends into? What spiritual conversations do you want to initiate with them
● Pray: Let’s pray for our people by name; pray for their needs, opportunities to
connect, and opportunities to have spiritual conversations that help them take
next steps toward Jesus.

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