Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

The Basile Family | Puebla, San Nicolas Mexico

Featured Partnership Global Partners


Community In Acts exists to impact the country of Mexico by establishing local expressions of church, reaching those who are spiritually unengaged with those who are.


In the next five years we want to create a wave of newly trained disciples that will start a wave of newly formed indigenous churches.  These churches will be known for the passion and compassion to reach the lost as well as to teach and care deeply for their own.


  • We hold a high view of the Living Word of God that governs our attitudes and actions and is our source of authoritative truth.

  • We want to make disciples who are serious about fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • We want to serve our way into communities who are spiritually unengaged.

  • We want all that we do to ultimately be sustainable and reproducible.


 | 281-751-8744 (USA number that rings in Puebla) |

The main way the ministry is meeting needs

Church planting conferences, Theological training, retreats, Kid's club, orphanage, evangelism and supplying clean water.

How is the ministry sharing the gospel and making disciples

We share the Gospel via water filters. We have seen many trust Christ. We have a church plant where we are discipling new believers. We share through Bible studies, Kid's club, Ladies' studies, Men's studies, and outreach ministries. It's hard, slow and with lots of ups and downs.

Provide one story of life change directly from the ministry

We have been working at Alto Refugio orphanage for 23 years. We met Maru when she was 8yrs old. It has been a privilege and an honor to watch her blossom into a lovely young lady. We just had the privilege of being a part of her wedding. She is now 28yrs old and just married the love of her life, Emmanuel. He is a strong believer and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will use them and their marriage to encourage others.

Prayer Requests

Pray for Tom as he is trying to bring in a drill rig, compressor, pipe stem and trailer. He has been having problem at the border with paperwork and with taxes. Pray they let him get it across. Pray for our 2 daughter-in-laws and their families and as we await the arrival of 2 more grandkids (May 4th and June 4th). Pray for Stephen and Cici as they prepare to move  to PA this summer. Pray for the construction of Emerald Coast Seminary.

Ways Providence can tangibly get involved

Send teams to help with orphanage camp, church planting, construction, ladies retreat and evangelism. *If anyone has points or miles they would like to donate for when we need to fly to the states that would be such a blessing!

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