Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

International Project

Featured Partnership Global Partners

International Project exists to initiate church planting movements through unreached people groups living outside their homelands. 

International Project (IP) was founded over 20 years ago and began its ministry in New York City. The founders of IP were moved by the strategic nature of international cities as a place to reach unreached people groups that come from difficult to access countries. IP works with international students, immigrants and refugees. The purpose of IP is to initiate church planting movements through diaspora unreached people groups.

Mission + Vision:

Our strategy is to start discover Bible studies and house churches among diaspora peoples for the purpose of evangelizing, discipling and training seekers/believers, within the context of simple and reproducible structures, in order to see a movement of churches within their diaspora communities as well spreading to their native countries. We believe that churches planted through the diaspora are strategically important as radiating centers for the dissemination of the gospel and the establishment of churches both among diaspora communities and in homelands.

Website + Contacts:

The main way the ministry is meeting needs:

Some of our teams work to meet physical needs as well as spiritual needs. For example we have teams that have free English conversation classes to help our immigrant friends feel the freedom to live in the city without language barriers. We also have food box distributions that happen regularly throughout the year in both Brooklyn and in Rome, Italy with our teams there. 

How is the ministry sharing the gospel and making disciples:

Our team members use recognized best practices that have led to the facilitation of church planting movements. We examine all our ministry practices in terms of reproducibility. Disciple Making Movement principles have a high value in our ministry philosophy. Discovery Bible Study methodology is the primary plan for evangelism and discipleship. Other methodologies such as T4T may be used depending on the people group, culture and situation. We seek to demonstrate inordinate amounts of prayer, abundant gospel sowing and searching for spiritually interested people of peace who will gather their communities. We will seek to invest our time with those who are spiritually interested rather than with those who have demonstrated spiritual hardness. We will also seek to train cultural insider believers to reach their own people and initiate movement. 

Provide one story of life change directly from the ministry:

The most recent story was actually within my team in Astoria! My teammate Alenna and I started Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in the fall with three ladies. One of them is from Palestine and has a Muslim background. Her entire family are Muslim and would most likely kill her if she were to become a Christian. However, after years of people pouring into her and hearing the gospel numerous times, she decided at our Christmas party that she could not keep running from Jesus and that she now identified as a follower of Jesus! She planned on going to Pennsylvania in April to get baptized at her old mentor's church, however, in January she had a dream that I baptized her in the ocean and she decided she could not wait and that weekend, in the cold January water, we baptized her at Rockaway beach! It took 10 years from the first time she heard the gospel as a devout muslim to the point of conversion but praise the Lord that she has put her faith in Him!

Prayer requests:

Please join us in praying that God would send us more workers! The harvest is plentiful here in NYC and we need more help to reach them! Pray that we would see disciples making disciples; that there would be a multiplication of churches both here and around the world from people we have shared with. Pray specifically for more teammates for our Rome team so that they can continue to expand into other big cities in Europe. 

Ways Providence can tangibly get involved:

First of all pray! We seek to demonstrate inordinate amounts of prayer and love having churches join us in that. Second is come join us! We have multiple short term programs from Seed Weeks, to summer internships, to our ten month training program called Equip. We love helping train believers to go either back home or overseas in tools that help equip them to share the gospel. 

Here is our Seed Week video with some testimonies included in it!

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Feb 8, 2025

Neema Project

Neema exists to serve and equip vulnerable young women in Kitale, Kenya through skills training, counseling, and discipleship. We provide an...

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