Faith Story Filming Signup, Feb 1st, 9am-4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Family Covenant

Here at Providence, we value your relationship with Jesus Christ and want you to grow deeper with him and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit in community.

With that in mind, we've created a Family Covenant to help each of us become devoted followers of Jesus and to grow in our faith, hope, and love of him.

Family Membership at Providence is not a matter of who "belongs" and who doesn't. We want everyone to feel like they belong.  However, there are levels of commitment and accountability which accompany being a family member at Providence. We have expectations of what it looks like to actively pursue Christ and to be a vital part of his local family here at Providence Church. Our lives should reveal our love and submission to Christ.

And our family membership is one indicator of our commitment to Christ and to Providence.

Initial requirements/expectations: Attend Prov for at least a year, complete either EHS or EHR, complete Discover Prov (or similar course from the past), and have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  

So please take some time to fill it out, and we will follow up with your next steps. 

**Each Spouse should fill out a separate form. 18 years and over (teenagers are more than welcome to fill out)**

A Guest is someone who is just that, a guest.  A friend or family member brought you, or you decided to check us out on live-stream. Basically you’re curious and you are welcome here.

A Friend of Providence is someone who is beyond just being curious. You are hanging around more consistently,  you like Providence and what it offers. It’s beginning to impact your life, and you may even describe it as the church you attend. You’re welcome here.

A Family Member is someone who has moved beyond friend of Providence and now you are helping to carry the responsibility of the mission, vision and values of the family.