CRU | Jen & Nic Haddad
Jan 7, 2025 | by Nic Haddad
Share the ministries mission statement and vision
Movements of multiplying disciples everywhere, in sport and through sports, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Particularly we serve the 29 countries of NAMESTAN (North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia)
Nicolas and Jen Haddad, 5147 Jones Road, St. Cloud, FL 34771
The main way the ministry is meeting needs:
Building communities of people connected through sports; providing a safe environment to hear the gospel and experience the love of Jesus; providing training and tools to take church sports ministries to the next level, empowering churches to reach their communities in a low-pressure environment.
How is the ministry sharing the gospel and making disciples:
Ministry through relationships, sharing the message in groups and one-on-one, special evangelistic events.
Discipleship takes place one-on-one, deepening their relationship with God and spiritual understanding, trainings, taking part in ministry together, and equipping to multiply their faith.
Provide one story of life change directly from the ministry
Nasser’s story (name changed to protect his identity in this secure location in the Middle East) Since I was little I was in love with soccer. I never got to go to an academy because we didm’t have the money to register. So I played in the corridor, with chairs as the goal. Then when I grew up a little, I started playing in a parking lot. I was a good player, at least that’s what they said about me. I was able to pass players, and never liked to lose. I got my value from what people said about me, “wow, what a player, he’s a legend!” If anyone said anything negative about my play, I became very angry and tried to prove them wrong. My god was the good things said about me, and my value came from others and if I was playing well or not. Until I played in a tournament with a church team in an AIA tournament. Our slogan was “for His glory.” This is a slogan I used to say with my tongue, but do the opposite. I would get angry and swear under my breath. Simply, I was a liar. Until I experienced a personal relationship with God. God became the one that I worshiped, not sports. So when I play, God’s love became my motivation. He is the foundation. I understood the story - that God gave me this talent so I would thank Him and show others my relationship with Him. I show honesty, collaboration and partnership; perseverance, humility and encouragement.
Nasser now directs an academy he started himself in a very poor suburb of beirut, joined full time staff with AIA and shares Christ with the kids, parents and coaches. Four of his coaches are going to a Bible study with him weekly.
3-4 Prayer requests
- Nicolas will travel frequently to the region to interact with, shepherd and cast vision to AIA staff in those countries. Pray for his travels (especially his heart health on those journeys), the time connecting with leaders, and for Jen doing life with the kids back in FL.
- Our goal is to launch AIA in five countries in our region and train 120 people for spiritual multiplication
- We just formed a regional council for NAMESTAN - four others working with me to provide leadership for the region. Pray for synergy, collaboration, and the right spirit to lead together as a team to help achieve our goals.
- That the Lord will provide the completion of our monthly financial support, as well as finances for the various AIA ministries in the NAMESTAN region
2-3 ways Providence can tangibly get involved
- Prayer
- Finances
- Sending sports-oriented teams to help boost ministries
- Becoming a NAMESTAN regional life partner