Faith Story Filming Signup, Feb 1st, 9am-4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

We meet in the Rosedale Room on the second floor on Sundays at 6:00PM for worship, lessons, testimonies, and a time of sharing.

Celebrate Recovery (or CR) provides a safe place where we are welcome in our brokenness, but it doesn't leave us there. It provides hope and healing from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits including addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors -- all through the power of Jesus Christ.

We are a group of people being restored in community. 

All of us struggle with something and only 1 in 3 attenders of CR struggle with chemical issues like drug or alcohol. Most come for another hurt or behavior which is quietly hindering their walk with Christ. Some come for codependency, or food issues, or distorted body image, or people-pleasing, or many other reasons.

Do you feel spiritually stuck and are unsure why? Then we welcome you to join us on a journey of discovery of how Christ can heal and restore.

Everyone is welcome, and we pray you find hope and healing in this safe community.

If you have any questions, you can email


We begin at 6PM in our multi-purpose room by singing a few worship songs together. After this, there is either a lesson from the Celebrate Recovery curriculum or a testimony. When this is over, newcomers stay in the room for an informational meeting to find out more about CR and if it is a good fit for them.
Those who are not new attend an Open Share meeting which are gender-specific where it is safe to share without fear of someone trying to "fix" you. When this time of sharing is over, we gather back in the cafe for coffee, snacks, and fellowship.
We wrap up before 8:00pm.

Our LifeGroups are still meeting

We believe that we are Better Together and we can’t do life alone.
LifeGroups are the perfect place to make friends and do life together.

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