Faith Story Filming Signup, Feb 1st, 9am-4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

High School Ministry at PROV

Vision: To incarnationally care and shepherd young people through relationships on their journey of faith with Christ.

Prov HS gathers on Tuesday nights to have exhilarating fun, engage in thriving relationships, experience the living God, dive into the Word of God, and love one another.  

Come join us from 7-9pm on Tuesday nights @ 430 Hannum Ave if you want your life changed!

For more information please contact Ben Lynch at   or 484.624.2071

Upcoming Events!

Check out High School's latest events happening here:

Events here

Parent Partnership:

At Providence, our desire is to come alongside parents and partner with them in their integral role in the lives of their children. If you are a parent, you are the most influential person in your child’s life. And we pray we can aid you in any way possible on that journey.

Please check out the resources below for parenting resources as well as trending information on youth ministry which we believe could be helpful.

Want to stay in the know with High School Updates!


Parent Resources:

Fuller Youth InstituteAxis Resource

Follow us here!

Instagram - @provhswc

| Vision Story |

At Providence, we are a family who wants to see the youngest members thriving in their faith, engaged in the Word of God and intimate prayer. Our students are serving the body faithfully not just on Sunday but throughout their week and modeling how to joyfully give their time and worship God through various ways. The older students are spurring on the younger generation of devoted Christ-followers. We are coming alongside parents as they disciple their children at home by equipping parents with vision and practical tools. We are a body that supports families who foster and adopt. Students are introducing their unsaved family members and friends to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ drawing their unsaved family members to Prov and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The enduring presence of the Holy Spirit is forming and shaping the faith of students and children is being formed and shaped for lasting influence!