Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Born Is | Mercy

Series: Born Is...

Speaker: Phil Carnuccio

December 10, 2023
Matthew 5:7'>Matthew 5:7

Life Group Discussion Guides

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Follow Along with the Message

1.       The Son of God, creator of the universe, humbled himself by putting on flesh, and then proceeded to live out his life as the only whole, perfectly good human being.  He did this not only so that we could see and observe his example, but for what other reason? 


2.       Each of the nine Beatitudes begins with the word “Blessed” from the Greek makários which can be also translated as “happy”, “fortunate” or “enviable”.  What is the source of our “blessedness” as followers of Jesus?      


3.       Jesus presents the Beatitudes using a literary structure known as a “Chiasm” where there is a central point preceded and followed by points that parallel one another.  What do you see at the center of this passage?  (Verse 7)


4.       What is mercy, and what is the extent and reach of God’s mercy?  In other words, where does God draw a line when it comes to mercy?


5.       In Luke 19:41, speaking of Jesus approaching Jerusalem Luke writes: “And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it…”  What led Jesus to mourn openly like this, and how are we challenged by His example?


6.       As our hearts break over a broken and evil world, how are we to respond?


7.       As we yield our hearts to Jesus, how do our desires change?


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