Trunk or Treat Hosted by Provkids: Sat., Oct 26 @10am
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Disciple | Religious Bully

Series: Disciple

Speaker: Todd Madonna

November 12, 2023
Mark 2:13-20'>Mark 2:13-20

Todd Madonna

Discipleship + Multiplication Pastor

Life Group Discussion Guides

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Primary Scripture Passage: Mark 2:15-20
1. A bully is someone who uses or leverages their perceived position of power to incite fear
in others for the purpose of control. How do bullies make you feel? Do you feel safe
around a bully?
2. Jesus confronted religious bullies. Their perceived power came from their own made-up
religious rules, standards, or traditions, which they use to judge a person’s
righteousness, spirituality, or acceptance by God. Think about times you have
experienced religious bullying or been the perpetrator. How was God’s character or
identity (how he saves, loves, provides grace, or transforms us to give us life) twisted in
the situation? How did the Holy Spirit work to break the religious bully in the situation?
3. Why did Jesus spend time with the tax collectors (corrupt people of the day) and sinners?
Who represents the tax collectors and sinners in your sphere of influence? Do you spend
time with people who shock others?
4. A religious scorecard was created by the religious to determine who was spiritually
acceptable based on cultural rules. What is on your scorecard? (e.g., How many things do
you participate in at church?, How obedient are your kids?, How are your spiritual
disciplines going, How much $$$ do you contribute to the church?, How did you vote
this week? What music do you listen to? What do you drink or not drink? When did
your kids start using smartphones?)
5. Deep down, do you think anyone is beyond God's reach or undeserving of God’s attention
and grace? (e.g., someone who committed adultery, someone who has been divorced
multiple times, someone who murdered another person)
6. If you are prompted to reach out to someone you place in this “underserving” category
due to failing to meet your preferences or expectations, how will you obey God’s
direction and lead? What is required of you in your heart?
7. What ways do you allow comfort with specific worship behaviors and practices to take
precedence over loving people and relationships?
8. Are there things you are the gatekeeper of at church? How can you invite others instead
of using power to keep them out?
9. In what practices are you or the church body participating that could be creating a self-
focused situation or environment that allows fear, anger, shame, insecurity, or judgment,
pushing people away from truth and God’s love?
10. How do you move from a place of self-focus and judgment to a place focused on
pointing others towards a loving God and a relationship with Him?
11. Grace is unmerited love or favor. Ephesians 2:8-9 describes God’s gift of grace for
salvation. What other grace does God show in His gifts towards you? The natural reflex
of the soul or a heart touched by mercy, love, and grace is to celebrate with joy. Are you
able to sense His love and deeply understand how God sees you? Do you feel a sense of
belonging? How are you celebrating these gifts?
12. Where did Jesus seek you out and say you belong? How does this belonging and belief
change your behavior?

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