Even with all the wisdom and wealth in the world, Solomon still walked away from the Lord. What can we learn from this?
What is your initial reaction when you read Ecclesiastes 1:2–3? Is it positive or negative?
Do you struggle with understanding ‘why you exist’ or ‘what is your purpose’? Do any areas of your life feel fleeting (like a “vapor” or bubble)?
Read Ecclesiastes 1:9-10. Why do we often feel that the problems of our current age are “new” and therefore the outcomes are unpredictable (i.e. social media, political polarization, AI, etc.)? Is anything actually “new”?
Read Ecclesiastes 1:11. Is it comforting or stressful to you to think that nobody will remember your name 100 years from now?
Discuss this quote by C.S. Lewis: “If we find in ourselves a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, it must mean that we were made for another world.”