Faith Story Filming Signup, Feb 1st, 9am-4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Multiplication Vision

Our vision is to plant two new Prov Churches by 2030.

“And the Word of God continued to increase, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly..." - Acts 6:7 (ESV)

Prayer Card

Pledge to financially support

Preparing a Place


Q: Why are we planting churches? 

A: God commands and calls us to GO to the world and to make disciples. One of Prov’s strategies to accomplish this mission is by planting churches. At this time, God has richly blessed us with financial and leadership resources to send and create new Prov churches with our vision and values. 

Q. Do we need more churches in our area?

A: Yes. Current statistics say that fewer than 20% of Americans attend church. This could mean that more than 80% of people in our communities are not coming to church, and may not know they are invited.

Q: Where will these church plants be located? 

A: The exact locations have yet to be determined, however, we do know that based on our desire to resource these new churches, locations will be no more than 20-30 minutes from Prov West Chester.

Q: When will our first location launch?  

A: We are planning toward launching the first location in the fall of 2025. 

Q: Who is involved in the planning of Prov’s Multiplication Vision and Strategy? 

A: Our Multiplication Pastor, Todd Madonna, is leading a team. Decisions will be made at the elder level, the staff level and lay leader level. 

Q: What makes them Prov churches? 

A: These new churches will share the Providence name, vision, values, and discipleship strategy. We will be one church family contextualized in new locations with live teaching and live music.     

Q: Who will be leading each new location? 

A: We are discerning and putting together a lead team who will plant each church. Our hope is to prayerfully determine the lead pastor in 2024. 

Q: Will there be ProvKids? Youth ministry? 

A: Yes, these will be available for families. 

Q: How will the church plant leaders and staff be equipped? 

A: We are developing a Residency Program here at Prov which will assess, train,  and send leaders to the new churches.  

Q. How will this impact Providence West Chester? 

A: We will be actively sending together and praying throughout the planting process. Some individuals and families will choose to be sent, others will remain as senders. Our faith will be stretched and strengthened as a body as we walk through this journey of multiplication.

Q: How will we fund this vision?   

A: We are working on identifying the financial needs and will be sharing more later in 2024.   

Q: How can someone be involved now? 

A: PRAY:  Pray about locations, for leadership, for wisdom in all the decisions being made, and pray about how God wants YOU to be involved. 

ATTEND:  All are invited to attend our Vision & Prayer Gathering for Multiplication on March 3rd at 6:30pm at Prov WC. 

TIMES12 - Church Plant Network

Times12 Christian Church Planting Network | Grow Your Church

TIMES12 is a church planting network of church planters, church plants, and sending churches. We are committed to multiplying disciples and churches centered on King Jesus to serve and reach lost friends in our cities, neighborhoods, subcultures, and world.

Equipping church planters is what we do. TIMES12 partners with sending churches to customize the equipping of each church planting pastor's Head, Heart, and Hands. We don’t clone a certain model but are deeply committed to multiplying churches with biblical elements we call Gospel-Centered DNA. That means we center on Jesus and the gospel in all we do as we make new and growing disciples. Healthy leadership matters to us. That’s why we seek to help our partners develop and multiply godly, disciple-making leaders (to stay) and planters (to go).

Watch brief Partner Testimonials (2 min. videos) to hear what others who partner with TIMES12 have to say. To learn more about TIMES12, go to TIMES12, or write   to connect with someone from our team.