Faith Story Filming Signup, Feb 1st, 9am-4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Short Term Missions Trip

At Providence, Jesus is the Focus.

Because of the transforming work of Jesus Christ and his power to redeem, the Holy Spirit may lead you to pursue a short term mission trip. This is a phenomenal step, but one that should not be done alone. A missions calling, whether short term or long term, is done in the community of the local church. 

We believe disciples are made, not born, therefore the Missions Oversight Team seeks to disciple and guide people interested in missions. 

Please reach out to the Missions Oversight Team by emailing  for more information on missions trips in general, including short term missions and internship possibilities, as well as applying to Providence Church for support.

If you are interested in joining a short term

missions team fill this out here:

Short Term Missions Trip Application

Short Term Mission Trip Summary + Opportunities

Czech Republic

Ambassadors Soccer Camp

  • Audience: Czech and Ukrainian youth (age 8-17)
  • Role & Responsibility: building relationships with players while coaching soccer and leading small group discussions after evening programs (materials/curriculum will be provided)
  • Dates:  July 6 - 13
  • # of desired team: 3-5 adults (age 22 yrs or older)
  • Estimated cost: ~$2000*
  • Spiritual component: an evening program run by coaching staff followed by small group discussions facilitated by coaches
  • Long-term impact: connecting players to the Ambassadors FC club team where players are further exposed to the Gospel and ongoing discipleship opportunities by Ambassadors coaches


English Camp

  • Audience: Czech and Ukrainian young adults
  • Role & Responsibility: building relationships with camp participants, preparing short English lessons in the morning and leading small group discussions after evening programs (materials/curriculum will be provided)
  • Dates:  July 14 - 21
  • # of desired team: 2-8 adults (age 18 yrs or older)
  • Estimated cost: ~$2000*
  • Spiritual component: an evening program run by Czechs and Americans followed by small group discussions facilitated by leaders
  • Long-term impact: building relationships with camp participants with the goal of connecting them to a local Czech church after the camp week is concluded.


Czech/Ukrainian Day Camp

  • Audience: Czech and Ukrainian youth (age 8-16)
  • Role & Responsibility: building relationships with players, coaching soccer, and sharing testimonies
  • Dates:  July 21 – 28 or July 28 – Aug 4
  • # of desired team: SEE RYAN ENNS (this is a Westside Community Center offer)
  • Estimated cost: ~$2000*
  • Spiritual component: a short Bible program run by Czechs, American, and/or Ukrainian coaches
  • Long-term impact: connecting players to the Ambassadors FC club team where players are further exposed to the Gospel and ongoing discipleship opportunities by Ambassadors coaches


  • Audience: Young women and their children at the Neema facility in Kitale, Kenya
  • Tentative dates: June 23 - July 3, 2024
  • Estimated cost: $3000 - 3200
  • Role & Responsibility:  Working with Neema on a long-term process of learning and engagement with Neema staff and students. Learn from the students about their journey prior to Neema and how Neema is transforming their lives and their family. Lead Bible studies and be led in study by the students during morning devotionals. Engage with the students and staff in a meaningful way during visit - this includes participants bringing their own gifts and talents to the trip and could include teaching or sharing these gifts and talents with the students and/or staff at Neema
  • Long Term Impact: Participate in daily debriefs while in the country - includes journal reflections, Bible reading and prayer. Become an ambassador for Neema (share with friends and family to spread the word). Continue engaging with Neema after the visit.


  • Audience: Engaging with kids at an orphanage that range from child to 18 years old. Or an option to work on a construction project for a local seminary. This is in partnership with Providence Church Coatesville
  • Tentative Dates: July 20-27, 2024
  • Estimated cost: $1700 
  • Role & Responsibility: We are serving the Basiles in two ways. 1) we help with orphan camp at a water park to teach them out Jesus - about 60 orphans come to the camp and for some it is the only time of the year away from the orphanage. They have fun in the pool and playing water games, but more importantly there are times of Bible teaching and learning about Jesus. 2) we help Tom Basile doing a construction project of his choosing, most likely at the Ranch in Veracruz. Recently, Christ First Church (used to be Calvary Fellowship Church), raised $335K to build a dormitory for seminary students to learn how to be bi-vocational. We would expect to help with construction or other projects to get it ready for the first semester.
  • Long-Term Impact: Spiritual growth on the team members that come through team discipleship and engaging in ministry. Encouraging the local missionaries, Tom and Sandy, as they continue to lead many ministries. 


  • Audience: Individuals, families, and businesses in the village of Ngonine, Senegal. 
  • Tentative Dates: A week in May, 2024
  • Estimated Costs: $2600
  • Role & Responsibility: The trip will be a way to build relationships and help hands-on in our different programs. For example we will help water the field in the agriculture program early in the morning, help at a kids camp, support village outreach programs or do activities with the women. All while experiencing the true life in the village.
  • Long Term Impact: See the village of Ngonine grow in their ability to be self-sustaining. To learn how the gospel of Jesus is impacting all spheres of life in this village. To maintain ongoing support of the ministry throughout the year through prayer and finances.