Attributes of God
Series: Doctrine: Answering Life's Biggest Questions

Discussion Questions:
What attributes come to mind when you think of God?
Why does all revelation about God start with God? Read Matthew 11:27, Romans 1:19-20, and 1 Corinthians 1:21
Even though God revealed Himself, why can't he be fully known? (Psalm 145:3, Revelation 4:11)
What is the difference between the incommunicable attributes of God (infinite, omnipresence) and communicable attributes (love, knowledge, mercy)?
Dave takes us through four main attributes of God. Describe these ideas in your own words:
- independent (Acts 17:24-45)
- omnipotence (Jeremiah 17:33, Revelation 4:11)
- omniscience (Job 37:16)
- omnipresence (1 Kings 8:27)
Why are we significant to God if he does not need us?
God is powerful enough to take care of every problem we face. Do you believe this? What area of your life do you need God in the most?
If God is all-knowing, why do we need to pray to Him? How can we find comfort in His omniscience?
What attribute of God is the most comforting to you? Which attribute of God is the hardest for you to grasp?

Dave Wiedis
Counseling Director
Life Group Discussion Guides
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