Trunk or Treat Hosted by Provkids: Sat., Oct 26 @10am
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Book of Mark | The Rich Young Ruler

Series: Book of Mark

Speaker: Phil Carnuccio

April 21, 2024
Mark 10:17-33'>Mark 10:17-33

Life Group Discussion Guides

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Jesus saw through the religious behavior of this rich young ruler and asked him to give up the thing he was putting above God - in his case, his wealth and possessions.

  1. What are you holding onto that is keeping you from the fullness of eternal life in Christ? What’s the “one thing you lack” that He would ask you to give up in order to follow Him? Dig deep; this shouldn’t be comfy. It made the rich young ruler walk away.
  2. Giving something up is both a one-time AND a daily decision over time. How will you continue to give this up in the coming days, weeks, and months? What’s a specific action you can take this week to lay it down? (E.g., possessions, wealth, pride, etc.?)

As Phil mentioned, God has abundant, overflowing, loving life for us. Jesus loved the rich young ruler and he loves us - that’s why He asks us to give up our lesser loves and follow him.

  1. How can you more intentionally make room to love and be loved by Jesus, to allow His abundant life to occupy your heart and mind? Be specific. Perhaps focus on 1-2 habits from Phil’s list.
  2. Making room to love Jesus is both a one-time AND a daily decision over time. How will you continue to make room in the coming days, weeks, and months?


Phil pointed us to James, who said to “confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed” (James‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬, NRSV‬‬)

  1. Who will you confess to about the “one thing you lack,” the thing the Lord is inviting you to give up?
  2. Who will you share with about how you’ll make room to be loved by Jesus?
  3. How can your community continue to keep you accountable on these? Be specific.


Look around your neighborhood, workplace, school, etc. this week. Like the rich young ruler, there are so many desperate people asking, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

  1. Who around you is desperately seeking eternal life? Name them, pray for them with your life group. Make an effort to engage with them in the coming weeks.

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