Fan the Flame
Series: 2 Timothy: Courage

Discussion Questions:
How do you think Paul and/or Timothy were struggling with their faith (what they thought about God) and even what they thought about themselves in their time of considerable uncertainty?
Do you understand Todd's illustration.... that a fire/flame can go out if it is not tended/fed/fanned?
During this time, do you agree that people need encouragement?
How the presence of God could fade or be forgotten?
How did Paul fan the flame of God's gift in Timothy? (make sure they are following these points).
1. You are the BELOVED Child of God. He fanned the flame by pointing Tim to the Spirit of God's Love that was in him.
How did Paul's loving courage fan the flame of Gods gift of love to Timothy?
How are we doing that with one another during this time of uncertainty?
How can we remind people that they are not alone, that they are loved by God, they are the beloved of God during this time?
2. You have received POWER.
How did Paul's powerful courage fan the flame of God's gift of power in Timothy?
How can we remind people that there is hope in the power of Jesus during this time?
3. You are CALLED. You have been given a holy calling!
Timothy, the light has not gone out in you. You have the gift. It must be shared, passed on.
Do you believe in the midst of your quaratine, God might, like he did for Paul and Timothy, have an assignment for you? He does.
Who is your Timothy right now?

Todd Madonna
Discipleship + Multiplication Pastor
Life Group Discussion Guides
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