24 Hour Prayer
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

James: How to Walk Through Anger in Love with Jesus

Series: James

Read James 1:19-29
Recap sermon: Hit on the ways we should respond to anger. 

  • Is there an area in my life where I have an ungodly anger?
  • Is there a person or situation I get easily angered by? 


  • What are my triggers when I respond in anger? (helpful questions to ask yourself: 
  • What do I have that I am fearful of losing? What do I value most and am I acting out in anger to protect it? What am I holding onto?
  • Do I really believe that God is at work in my life and others? Do I think that I know the plan my life should go better than God? How do I show that I believe that I should rule my life and control in over God. )  
  • Do these triggers have a deeper lining issue?
  • In this anger or triggers, how can I slow down in the moment? Do I respond as an extrovert and verbally respond or an introvert and shy away?

Walk with community in confession

  • Read: 1 John 1:9-10, James 5:16, James 2:13
  • Am I walking with Jesus in community in confession? Do I know the importance of confessing my sin with others? 
  • do I make excuses not to share my sin in community?
  • Do I feel ashamed in my sin? Am I aware of my sin?
  • How have I been set free from my sin by the mercy of Jesus? 

Speaker: Phil Carnuccio

May 19, 2019
James 1:19-27'>James 1:19-27

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