24 Hour Prayer
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

Jonah: Mercy Deeply Changes pt. 2

Series: Remember Mercy

Discussion Questions:

Have you experienced deep change from the Holy Spirit? Was it a one-time experience or an ongoing process?

Have you experienced sin affecting your life in new and different ways this year? Do you find yourself filled with bitterness, anger, or irritability with the events of this year? 

Read Jonah‬ ‭4:6-11. What is Jonah's reaction in these verses?

Read ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:15-16‬. Are you in a time of weakness now? How does God want to draw near to you? Why do we need the gospel to transform our lives? 

Speaker: Phil Carnuccio

August 30, 2020

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