Christmas Eve Gatherings 1pm / 2:30pm / 4pm
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

No Grumbling | ONE JOY

Series: ONE JOY

Speaker: Phil Carnuccio

January 29, 2023
Philippians 2:14-18'>Philippians 2:14-18

Life Group Discussion Guides

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Follow Along with the Message

  1. Doing Life

As a church family, we care about each other’s lives: what we’re celebrating, what we’re mourning, what decisions we are praying through, and everything in between 

(1 Thessalonians 2:8, Romans 12:10, 15). Suggested time: 10-20 minutes 

  • How are you doing? 
  • What can you thank God for this week?
  • When were you most aware of Jesus’ presence this week? When were you least aware of Jesus’ presence this week?
  • Do you have any practical needs?


  1. Jesus Centered

God uses His Word to reveal Himself to us, equip us to live the good life He’s designed for us, show us our sin, and strengthen us as we follow Him (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Colossians 1:9-12, and James 1:22-25). Suggested Time: 20-40 minutes 

(Sermon Discussion Questions) Philippians 2: 


Why are muttering and arguing so harmful? What kind of impression do we portray to others of Christ if we are complaining?


v16: What does it look like to “hold firmly to the Word of Life?” What obstacles have you encountered while holding firmly to the Word of Life? How can you overcome these? 


v.17 Paul regards himself with joy, as a sacrifice. He calls us to do the same in the name of Jesus. When you’re committed to serving Christ, sacrificing to build the faith of others brings a joyous reward. How are your sacrifices bringing others to Christ?


Grumbling to yourself feeds and even justifies the discontent roaring in your heart and soul. Grumbling is the gateway to arguments and disunity. When we follow Christ, we do the opposite, we praise! You cannot be thankful and discontented at the same time. We grumble when someone or something is not acting like we want them/it to act. Why should you be filled with gratitude?


When we feel the urge to grumble, what are some things God has done that you need reminding of to cease the grumbling? (i.e. The Israelites being freed from slavery and brought through to God’s promise and yet they grumbled.)  

  1. Engaging the Heart

Jesus calls us to walk in the light, confessing our sins to God and each other. God’s Spirit works through confession and community to lead us to repentance. (Romans 3:23-24, James 5:16 and 1 John 1:5-10) Suggested Time: 10-20 minutes 


  • How are you doing abiding with Jesus this week in Scripture and prayer? 
  • What sin do you need to confess to God? What are you struggling to trust Jesus with this week? How can you give Him control of it? (As people confess sin, make sure to remind one another of the good news Jesus offers.)

  1. Expanding the Kingdom

Just like God the Father sent Jesus on a mission of reconciliation for us, Jesus sends us out as ambassadors of His reconciliation. We are called to make disciples wherever we go. (John 20:21 and 2 Corinthians 5:18-20) Suggested time: 10-20 minutes


  • People: Who in your life can you be building with right now? What does that look like during this season? 
  • Plan: Are there any rhythms planned (virtual or in-person) that we can invite these friends into? What spiritual conversations do you want to initiate with them soon? 

Pray: Let’s pray for our people by name; pray for their needs, opportunities to connect, and opportunities to have spiritual conversations that help them take next steps toward Jesus.

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