Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM

REVIVAL - Pain + Suffering


August 20, 2023

Life Group Discussion Guides

You can add your own personal sermon notes along the way. When you're finished, you'll be able to email or download your notes.

Follow Along with the Message

1. Discuss the first three responses to suffering and pain that Matt mentioned in his message (blame, numbing, and hopelessness). Which of these have you been most prone to using in the past when experiencing pain, suffering, loss, etc.?

2. In his message Matt explained that the peace of God is not the absence of negative thoughts but rather the presence of God helping us through difficult times. How have you experienced God's peace through difficult times? or What has kept you from experiencing God's peace during times of suffering and hardship?
3. Matt offered 5 different Biblical perspectives on suffering. Discuss these by reading the verses or considering each perspective.
A. 1 Peter 4:12-13. What do these verses tell us about pain and suffering? (expected)
B. Jeremiah 31:25 How is this verse related to suffering? (real)
C. Job's story and Christ's death on the cross (overwhelming)
D. Job 1:1-12 What does Job's story remind us about the nature of suffering? (unfair)
E.  Romans 5:3-5 What does Paul suggest about the meaning or purpose of suffering? (meaningful and purposeful)
4. Suffering draws out our imperfections and reveals who or what we trust in. How have pain, suffering, or difficult circumstances in your life worked to transform your life and draw you closer to God? 

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