24 Hour Prayer
Sunday Gatherings 9AM + 11AM | Spanish + ASL Interpretation 11AM


Series: Bound Together

Discussion Questions:

Read Nehemiah 9:1-3, Exodus 20:3-4, Romans 1:22-23

How do you define worship? What does it look like for us to rightly worship?

What is the difference between these two definitions of worship: "to serve," and "to honor?"

Why is it essential to agree with God's word to worship Him rightly?
What does it look like to worship God without submitting to His word?

In his message, Mark said, "You and I, are worshippers! All of us
worship. The question is not if we worship it's what we worship."

What takes up the majority of your thoughts, attention, and time in your life? What is the difference between enjoying a good thing and worshipping it?

How does worship act as confession? What are you worshipping that is an idol in your life? Is it perfectionism or achievement? 

This week, pay attention to uncontrollable and irrational emotions, as they often surface heart idols. As we live in community, how can we help others unpack our heart idols? How did Jesus show a perfect picture of worshipping the Father?

Speaker: Mark Hough

November 24, 2019
Nehemiah 9:1-3'>Nehemiah 9:1-3

Mark Hough

College Ministry Director

Life Group Discussion Guides

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