"You Then, My Child"
Series: 2 Timothy: Courage

Read 2 Timothy 2:1-2.
In what context is Paul writing this letter to Timothy?
Why does he refer to Timothy as "my child?"
Where is our strength found, according to these verses?
Do you believe that you have everything you need apart from Christ? What message does our culture send about finding strength within yourself? How does this contradict what Paul is telling Timothy?
Read Mark 16:5-7
How do mentors shape our lives? Are you currently mentoring someone or have you been mentored?
Read 1 Corinthians 15:10, Philippians 4:13, Psalm 40:1-3
What areas of your life do you need strength that comes from Christ? Where do you feel your own insufficiency during this uncertain time?
Who are you responsible for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with? Do you think we could be one generation away from the gospel not being shared?
Do you have any friends or neighbors who truly don't know the grace of Jesus? How can you take advantage of this time at home to share with them in a new way?

Ryan Enns
Associate Pastor + Community Outreach
Life Group Discussion Guides
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